Dagmar Demming - 1995 - 1996

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<BR>Dagmar Demming- 1995 - 1996
<BR>Dagmar Demming- 1995 - 1996
<BR>Dagmar Demming- 1995 - 1996
<BR>Dagmar Demming- 1995 - 1996

“Hearing Yesterday/Gestern Hören”

(6 February-9 March 1996)

In Demming’s first solo exhibition a site-specific installation has been exhibited.

Catalog: Necmi Sönmez’s text.

Articles about the exhibition:

  • Necmi Sönmez, “Maçka’nın Sesini Galeriye Taşıyor”, Cumhuriyet newspaper, 9 February 1996.

“It was 1996. I worked directly with the space, I put new joint tapes on the joints of the tiles in the room at the entrance of the gallery. I went out between 5-6 o'clock and collected the sounds of the street; It was Ramadan. I marked each tile in the back room with a number. I've rebegun at least 10 times. Even though I finished my work only half an hour ago before the opening, Rabia Çapa was extremely patient and confident. This is a rare trait for a gallerist to have.”

Dagmar Demming (16.02.2016)

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