Nur Koçak- 2005 - 2006

"a painting, a notebook”
(18 April -3 June 2006)
Koçak’s photographs and notebooks from her childhood have been exhibited. She transferred the photographs to the canvases and covered the walls of MAG with photocopies of the notebook pages.
Articles about the exhibition
- Evrim Altuğ, “Hiperaktif Ülkenin Resimli Hikâyeleri”, BirGün newspaper, 11 June 2006.
- Ümran Bulut, “Bir İlkokul Defterinden”, Cumhuriyet newspaper, 25 May 2006.
- Ahu Antmen, “Eğitim Şart”, Radikal newspaper, 3 May 2006.
- F. Candil Çulcu, “Kendi Hayatımı Malzeme Olarak Kullanıyorum”, Hürriyet newspaper, 22 April 2006.
“The gallery, which always moves forward from its inception, despite some tides. And, does not deviate from challenging contemporary art scene of our country now, celebrates its 40th year anniversary. This is a pretty big achievement in a society with many short-lived institutions. With an archive book of the gallery and the documentation of all its events, the 40 years of the process will be honored. How nice! Thus, we will have the opportunity to observe all the actors. On this occasion, I greet the iconic name Rabia Çapa who is identified with her gallery and I want to be able to wish many more 40 years.”
Nur Koçak (06.04.2016)